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Educational opportunities

EFIC updates its curriculum for pain medicine

The European Pain Federation EFIC recently updated its curriculum in pain medicine, targeted at those who are qualified and have experience in seeing and treating people with pain. The curriculum is designed to improve the knowledge and competences of doctors working in pain management, regardless of their initial discipline. EFIC worked with a range of other scientific societies such as EAN and ESAIC to review the curriculum and provide suggestions on the content. The curriculum is implemented via e-learning, live teaching and examinations administered by the European Pain Federation EFIC.

You can read the curriculum here:

You can find out more about EFIC’s educational programme here:


EFIC updates its curriculum for pain physiotherapy

The European Pain Federation EFIC recently updated its curriculum in pain physiotherapy, targeted at those who are qualified and have experience in seeing and treating people with pain. The curriculum is designed to improve the knowledge and competencies of physiotherapists and has been developed with the input of the European Region of World Physiotherapy (ER-WCPT). The curriculum is implemented via e-learning, live teaching and examinations administered by the European Pain Federation EFIC.

You can read the curriculum here:

You can find out more about EFIC’s educational programme here:

You can find out more about the EFIC European Diploma in Pain Physiotherapy here:

EFIC updates its curriculum for nurses and psychologists 

You can find out more: Pain Curricula - European Pain Federation

European Pain Federation EFIC® Pain Schools

An EFIC Pain School is an in-person educational event, usually spanning 3-4 days, wherein a group of healthcare professionals receive high quality hands-on and interactive teaching from leading pain educators. The teaching should be reflective of EFIC’s postgraduate curricula, and a pool of participants should be able to attend free of charge and with minimal cost, on the basis of a grant provided by EFIC to the hosts. EFIC Pain Schools are taught in English.
More information here.


Promoting the effective management of children’s pain | OpenLearn - Open University

Promoting the effective management of children’s pain

This short course focuses on promoting the effective management of children’s acute pain in hospital. Effective pain management can be promoted by creating knowledgeable and confident practitioners through regular education and training which helps to reduce stress. This can be enhanced by supporting staff with the necessary evidence based pain management protocols so that practitioners can adopt an individual approach to a child and their family.