Upcoming Webinars
Thursday 26 September, 2024 06:30 PM
Towards more trustworthy pain research. The ENTRUST-PE framework
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Research in pain encompasses a broad range of disciplines, methodologies and activities to contribute to the incremental, and sometimes revolutionary, expansion of knowledge and evidence in pain science and practice. But to be successful in this crucial enterprise, research in pain must first be trustworthy. Whether or not we can trust pain research depends on research integrity, equity, inclusivity and engagement, methodological rigour and transparency, data accessibility, honest communication and potential research misconduct. This workshop will focus on this critical issue of trustworthiness in pain evidence. We will summarise the key challenges to trustworthiness and present the recommendations of the ERA-NET NEURON funded networking project “Enhancing Trust in Pain Evidence: ENTRUST-PE”.
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Tuesday 18 July, 2024 07:00 PM
So, should we ever prescribe opioids?
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Opioids have been considered some of the most potent analgesic medicines. Their benefit for acute and trauma pain and pain at the end of life is very clear. However, their use for chronic pain has become much more controversial and debated. Although trials of relatively short duration suggest some benefit, currently there is no evidence of effectiveness over longer periods. In addition, there is an ever-growing body of evidence regarding harms of opioids for non-cancer pain. It is important to identify where prescribing may be appropriate and inappropriate. Considering the question ’So, should we ever prescribe opioids?’ seems more relevant than ever. I can’t promise the answer but I am sure it will generate much discussion.
Thursday 11 July, 2024 06:30 PM
Improving the management of children’s pain in hospital
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This webinar will report on a programme of research with health care practitioners and parents, focussed on how to promote the effective management of children’s pain in hospital.
Thursday 4 July, 2024 07:00 PM
Diagnosis and treatment of facial pain conditions
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Neuralgiform headache and facial pain diseases (e.g. trigeminal neuralgia, SUNCT/SUNA) are excruciatingly painful and disabling pain conditions. Correct diagnosis of these disorders can be challenging given the considerable clinical overlap amongst them. Available pharmacological treatments are limited but can be effective. Refractory or chronic pain patients may benefit from minimally invasive and neuromodulation techniques.
Thursday 20 June, 2024 07:00 PM
Mind your 'flippin' language
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I believe it was the great Professor Albus Dumbledore who said “Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it”. As health care professionals the words we use can be crucial. What is a flippant passing comment to us can be a crushing blow to a patient. Similarly, a clever reframing of a challenge can set a patient down a much more positive path. This talk will explore how we can use words when speaking about persistent pain – to engage, educate and empower.
Thursday 18 April, 2024 07:00 PM
The Pharmacological Management of Neuropathic Pain
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Dr Thanthullu Vasu will be talking about The Pharmacological Management of Neuropathic Pain. Dr Vasu has been in the field of medicine for more than three decades; he has been a consultant in NHS for more than 15 years. He sees more than 1000 patients every year and has an empathetic approach. He also specialises in managing pain and fatigue in long COVID syndrome. He has written five textbooks including books on chronic pain management, fibromyalgia and long COVID syndrome. He has extensive experience and skills in injection procedures to help with chronic pain. There will be ample opportunity to ask questions and to discuss difficult cases, supporting those who are prescribing in the community.
Thursday 11 April, 2024 04:00 PM
Chronic Pain and Older People
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This webinar aims to present some of the findings from the NIHR funded POPPY study by Dr Lesley Brown, Senior Research Fellow, Co-Lead for the POPPY study & Project Manager CARE75+ study, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, alongside findings from a project about dental pain in older people by Professor Pat Schofield, Professor of Clinical Nursing, University of Plymouth.
Wednesday 10 January, 2024 07:00 PM
Placebo controlled trials in surgery and psychological pain management
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Both, trials of surgical interventions and of non-pharmacological interventions are difficult to design and implement. A key challenge is to control for placebo effects, for example through blinding. To facilitate high-quality placebo-controlled trials, the webinar’s speakers have formulated the key guiding statements in their respective fields, the ASPIRE guidelines for surgery and the CoPPS statement for physical and psychological interventions.
Wednesday 29 November, 2023 07:00 PM
Nutrition and Chronic Pain Management
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The role of diet and nutrition in physical and mental health and wellbeing is receiving increasing attention both in research circles as well as in the public mind. This webinar will explore the current state of understanding of the role of nutrition in pain management, exploring mechanisms and the role of neuro-inflammation and the microbiome. We will also cover experience of delivering this content to patients as well as the psychological influences on food choices.
If you missed our recent webinars we would like to inform you that the recordings are available via the BPS youtube channel.