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BPS Council

The Council is the primary decision-making group within the Society. Our elected Officers and Council Members provide leadership, insight, and expertise to drive forward the mission and objectives of the British Pain Society.

If you would like to contact any of our Officers and Council Members, please email [email protected].


  1. Officers
  2. Elected members of Council
  3. Co-opted members of Council
  4. Dates of future Council meetings


Prof. Roger Knaggs

Prof. Roger Knaggs


Term of office: 2023-2027

Dr Neil Collighan

Dr Neil Collighan

Honorary Treasurer

Term of office: 2024-2028

Dr Catherine Price

Dr Catherine Price

Vice President

Term of office: 2023-2026

Dr Rajesh Munglani

Dr Rajesh Munglani

Vice President

Term of Office: 2023-2026

Mr Martin Hey

Mr Martin Hey

Honorary Secretary

Term of office: 2024-2028

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Elected members of Council

Dr Sumit Gulati

Dr Sumit Gulati

Qualifications: MBBS, FRCA, FFPMRCA, MD

Term of office: 2022-2026

Dr Ramanarayanan Krishnamoorthy

Dr Ramanarayanan Krishnamoorthy


Term of Office: 2022-2026 (2nd term)

Dr Sarah Harrisson

Dr Sarah Harrisson

Qualifications: PhD, MCSP

Term of office: 2024-2028

Dr David Pang

Dr David Pang

Qualifications: FFPMRCA

Term of Office: 2022-2026 (2nd term)

Dr Mahindra Chincholkar

Dr Mahindra Chincholkar

Qualifications: MBBS, MD, Dip Health (EBM), FRCA, FFPMRCA

Term of Office: 2023-2027

Dr Manojit Sinha

Dr Manojit Sinha

Qualifications: MRCA, FCAI, FFPMRCA

Term of Office: 2023-2027

Dr Iain Jones

Dr Iain Jones

Qualifications: MB ChB FRCA FFPM

TERM OF OFFICE: 2024 - 2028

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Co-opted members of Council

Victoria Abbott-Fleming MBE

Victoria Abbott-Fleming MBE

Chair, The Patient Voice Committee

Term of office: 2020-2023

Ms Felicia Cox

Ms Felicia Cox

Editor, British Journal of Pain

Term of office: 2014-2026

Dr Lorraine de Gray

Dr Lorraine de Gray

Representative: Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Royal College of Anaesthetists

Term of office: 2022-2026

Dr Andreas Goebel

Dr Andreas Goebel

Chair, Science & Research Committee

Term of office: 2019-2026

Dr Martin Johnson

Dr Martin Johnson

Representative: Royal College of GP's

Term of office: 2019-2026

Prof. Edmund Keogh

Prof. Edmund Keogh

Chair, Scientific Programme Committee

Term of office: 2023-2026

Elsje de Villiers

Elsje de Villiers

Representative: Physiotherapy Pain Association

Term of office: 2023-2026

Mrs Karin Cannons

Mrs Karin Cannons

Representative: RCN Pain and Palliative Care forum

Nurse Consultant

Mrs Kate Thompson

Mrs Kate Thompson

Chair, Education Committee

TERM OF OFFICE: 2024 - 2027

Dr Alan Fayaz

Dr Alan Fayaz

Chair Communications Committee

TERM OF OFFICE: 2024 - 2027

Prof Christina Liossi

Prof Christina Liossi

BJP Editor

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Dates of future Council meetings

The British Pain Society Council usually meets four times a year at the Society’s headquarters in London.


  • 13th February
  • 6th June 
  • 18th September
  • 12th December

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