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- BPS Highlights of 2018
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- Focus on UK Pain Research Meeting
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- Information and Communication Technology Special Interest Group
- Job Vacancies
- Lived Experience Collective
- Make a donation to the British Pain Society
- Managing pain after your surgery publication
- Media Resources
- Members
- Opioids prescribed in the UK
- Pain - who cares? We do
- Pain News - Back Copies
- Pain Patient Pathways
- Partnerships
- Past Presidents
- People living with Pain
- Expert Patient and Carer Committee (EPCC)
- Patient Survey 2022
- Vacancies in The Expert Patient and Carer Committee (EPCC)
- Patient Reference Group
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Useful definitions and glossary
- Information for Carers
- BPS Patient Publications
- Useful organisations and links for further information
- Patient Stories
- Patient Voices Video Resources
- Suggested Reading List
- National Awareness Campaign
- PMP 2017 Glasgow Conference
- PMP SIG Conference- 11th &12th September 2019, Bristol
- Policies
- Recommended Reading
- Register of Interests
- Resources
- September is Pain Awareness Month!
- Special Interest Group - Acute Pain
- Special Interest Group - Headache
- Special Interest Group - Interventional Pain Medicine
- Special Interest Group - Medicolegal
- Special Interest Group - Neuropathic Pain
- Special Interest Group - Pain Education
- Special Interest Group - Pain in Children
- Special Interest Group - Pain in Developing Countries
- Special Interest Group - Pain in Older People
- Special Interest Group - Pain Management Programmes
- Special Interest Group - Philosophy & Ethics
- 2025 Philosophy & Ethics SIG Annual Summer Retreat
- Past Meetings
- 2024 Philosophy & Ethics SIG Annual Summer Retreat
- Philosophy & Ethics Meeting 2018: the Healing Power of Language and Burnout
- Living Well Right to the End - 2017
- 2019 Meeting: Exploring the Way Ahead For Pain Medicine: Caring For the Patient and the Clinician
- 2023 Philosophy & Ethics SIG Annual Summer Retreat
- The Power of the Mind in Pain - 2016
- Photo Album
- Transcripts
- Special Interest Group - Primary & Community Care
- The benefits of membership
- Web links
- Working Parties
- Events
- News
- Join the Lived Experience Collective and Help Shape the Future of Pain Management
- Prolonged-release opioids: Removal of indication for relief of post-operative pain
- Parkinson’s UK senior research fellowships for 2025
- Which drugs are best for migraine attacks?
- Article: Hypnotic Approaches for Chronic Pain Management Clinical Implications of Recent Research Findings
- BPS Contributes to National Discussion on Painkiller Use
- 2025 ASM Late breaking poster abstract submissions now open!
- BPS Acute Pain SIG bursary - Education Day Opioids in Clinical Practice
- Important Update: Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill
- National Eczema Society is delighted to launch its first-ever Research Grant Call!
- IASP Digest: Last Chance to Apply for EPS 2025
- Joint BPS/Association of Anaesthetists webinar: Post-Surgical pain
- Clulow Research Grant 2025 open for applications
- BPSASM2025: Reminder: Abstract submissions close TODAY by 23:59 BST
- Exciting Opportunities at the British Journal of Pain
- The BPSASM2025 abstract deadline is extended to 27 January 2025
- Last Chance to Present Your Research at BPS ASM 2025!
- BPS P&E SIG webinar: Is chronic pain telling us something important about society?, Dr Patrick Hill
- Irene Tracey guest edits BBC Radio 4's Today programme
- Group-based intervention reduced opioid use among people with long-term pain
- Research funding opportunities - Parkinson’s UK research grants for 2025
- Membership for Students and Early Career Professionals
- BPS ASM 2025: Call for Abstract Submission
- Early Registration Ends Soon! Save Your Spot for #EFIC2025
- NHS approved Remembrance resources
- Educational Video: Understanding Post-Surgical Painl Video: Understanding Post-Surgical Pain
- The Primary and Community Care SIG meeting
- BPS experts on Saga piece on effective treatment of chronic pain
- King Edward VII's Hospital attains accreditation for outstanding commitment to veterans
- Final Countdown! Early Career Membership Launches 1 November
- Educational Video: Understanding Nerve Pain
- EFIC Pain School on Acute, Perioperative and Trauma-Related Pain
- New Student and Early Career Membership Category Launches 1 November!
- New Video: Managing Lower Back Pain
- Updated ZSA #SuicideAwareness Training now available!
- Watch our latest interview on pain management with ITN Business
- New Early Career Membership Category Launches 1 November!
- Educational Video: neck pain
- Educational Video: Understanding Fibromyalgia
- New Peri-operative Pain Management Guidelines Released
- The Primary and Community Care SIG meeting
- The Pain Management Programme SIG update
- Health Awareness Campaign
- World Pain Awareness Month - Week 2: Tackling Chronic Pain in England
- Chronic primary pain decision aid published
- World Pain Awareness Month. Week 1: Understanding Chronic Pain in Scotland
- New Guidelines for Psychological Assessment in Pain Neuromodulation Released
- The British Pain Society on BBC Radio London: Exploring Chronic Pain and the Brai
- BBC Today programme with Kirsty Young 08/08/2024
- Problematic pharmaceutical opioid use with chronic non-cancer pain
- World PT Day (8th Sept) 2024 materials available in five languages
- National Prescribing Indicators 2023–2024: Analysis of Prescribing Data to March 2024
- Putting the Patient First Organisational Training Workshops - available now
- European Pain Federation Advocacy Campaigns
- The Patient Information Forum (PIF) has published a new public-facing poster on artificial intelligence (AI) and health information
- Upcoming BPS webinar: Improving the management of children’s pain in hospital
- Drug Safety Update - Warfarin: be alert to the risk of drug interactions with tramadol
- The BPS will be part of the ITN new programme: "Pathways to Pain Management"
- Apply for the EFIC Pain School on Pain Psychology for Non-Psychologists
- On The Move (OTM) working group just recently published a position paper targeted at non-physios
- Flash Sale Alert!
- ASM2024 2nd Edition of the BPS Outreach event
- BPS ASM 24 - Join Us for the British Pain Society Early Career Networking Meet and Greet!
- EFIC Core Curriculum for Bachelor / Pre-Registration Physiotherapy Programmes
- BGS Report Finds Lack of Rehabilitation Hinders Older People’s Recovery From Illness
- National Prescribing Indicators 2023–2024: Analysis of Prescribing Data to December 2023
- BPSASM2024: special flash sale with 25% off on daily registration categories.
- UK Pain Messages 2024 Published
- Join Us for an Open Chat on Pain Management in the Community!
- Join the Education SIG & the Education Committee
- Join The Patient Voice Committee
- Call to Register with Early Bird Rates
- Today is the last day to take advantage of the early bird registration discounts for #BPSASM2024
- Channel 5 News: "Chronic pain and opioids"
- Medical Technologies Evaluation Programme
- Pre BPS ASM 2024 Study Day
- Abstract submissions to #BPSASM2024 Deadline is today 31 January 2024
- Upcoming BPS webinars
- Abstract submissions to #BPSASM2024
- Abstract submission is extended. New deadline: Wednesday, January 31
- ASM 2024: Last Call for Abstract Submission
- WHO: guideline for non-surgical management of chronic primary low back pain in adults in primary and community care settings
- Framework for pain management service delivery - implementation plan update
- Intravenous Lidocaine Infusions for Chronic Pain
- ASM24 Abstract Submission is Now Open
- ASM24: The BPS is inviting proposals for workshops and parallel sessions
- BPS Webinar on Placebo Controlled Trials in Surgery and Physical or Psychological Pain Management
- Call for proposals for workshops and parallel sessions for the BPS 2024 ASM
- PQIP collaborative webinar series: Prioritising Perioperative Pain Management
- BPS webinar: Nutrition and Chronic Pain Management
- Mental Health and Pain Policy
- Prescribing in Pain Event - 15th November
- Headache Special Interest Group Conference 2023
- Interventional Pain Medicine: Recent Advances Conference
- Pain Education Best Practice: BPS & EFIC Webinar
- Chronic pain sufferers turning to private clinics as NHS waiting lists stretch over a year, doctors warn
- Creating a Space for Healing
- Pain on the Brain
- FPM/CPOC Position Statement on Modified Release Opioids
- Roger Knaggs elected as British Pain Society President
- Updates from our Annual General Meeting
- Patient education videos created by the Education SIG
- How learning to swim aged 30 helped me defeat the chronic pain I've suffered for 14 years
- NHS Publication
- Delivering Group Based Pain Management Interventions through Virtual Platforms
- New NHS pain cafes launch in Cornwall
- Registration for #EFIC2023 is now OPEN! Submit your abstract to #EFIC2023 now!
- All Wales resources for pharmacological management of pain - now available
- Help The BPS contribute towards the development of a European Pain Research strategy
- Autologous conditioned serum for chronic pain in patients with osteoarthritis: A feasibility observational study
- Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. The Society expresses condolences and sadness at the death of Queen Elizabeth II
- September is Pain Awareness Month!
- Patient experiences of remote care in a pain service during a pandemic
- Emergency department use by people with back pain: An investigation
- Daily Mail Article - Why taking painkillers like iburofen can make you feel worse. Published 08.08.22
- Educating and engaging a new target audience about the problem of pain for society
- New publication: Four Nation Strategy for Pain Management
- There's still time to take part in our important patient survey!
- MHRA publishes the government's response to the Future Regulations of Medical Devices in the United Kingdom Consultation
- The Wellbeing Lab with Will Young Podcast - Chronic Pain
- Help The Patient Voice Committee shape the future of pain services!
- ASM FLASH SALE! Reduced rates for in-person attendance
- Council & President Elect Elections 2022
- Honorary Secretary Elect Elections
- Deadline for Abstracts for 2022 ASM is TODAY!
- Consultation open: Managing pain after your surgery
- Calling all Members to attend the BPS AGM on 8th December!
- In Memory of Professor Stephen McMahon
- 2021 Council Elections - call for nominations
- SAVE THE DATE - 2022 ASM London
- Musculoskeletal Disorders Research Advisory Group, Versus Arthritis PART 2 -Research Priority Setting in Musculoskeletal Disorders 2020/2021
- Development of an interdisciplinary specialist facial pain management programme
- Joint statement of clarification on the latest NICE chronic pain guidance; regarding patients already on medication
- NICE Chronic Pain Guidelines Webinar - 22 April 2021
- BPS Statement on new NICE Chronic Pain Guidelines
- Life after Covid - BPS Webinar 15th April 2021
- Managing Pain Campaign from @HealthAwarenessUK
- Peoples’ experiences of painful diabetic neuropathy: are pain management programmes appropriate?
- 2021 Virtual ASM - Save the Date!
- Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines on the management of pain in older people – a summary report
- ACCEA 2021 Round Now Open!
- Faculty of Pain Medicine and British Pain Society express concern over recently published NICE guidance on ‘Managing low back pain and sciatica’
- Efficacy of bilateral erector spinae block for post-operative analgesia in liver hydatid surgery
- An update from the FPM and BPS to those waiting to access pain services
- Stopping opioid-related addiction, harm and accidents after surgery – international experts come together to publish guidance
- BPS Patient survey on NICE draft guidance- Chronic pain in over 16s: assessment and management
- BPS interim statement on NICE draft guidance on Chronic pain in over 16s: assessment and management
- Online paediatric chronic pain management: assessing the needs of UK adolescents and parents, using a cross-sectional survey
- Differences in adaptive and maladaptive psychosocial responses to chronic pain among adults with varying physical activity levels
- Post-pandemic pain services: a new world
- Radiofrequency denervation of the lumbar facet joints: guidelines for the RADICAL randomised controlled trial
- COVID-19 - FPM & BPS joint pain interventions guidance publication
- Mechanisms of pain in sickle cell disease
- The nociceptive flexion reflex: a scoping review and proposed standardized methodology for acquisition in those affected by chronic pain
- Considerations for multi-centre conditioned pain modulation (CPM) research; an investigation of the inter-rater reliability, level of agreement and co
- The use of high dose topical capsaicin in the management of peripheral neuropathy: narrative review and local experience
- COVID-19 - BPS Update
- Gabapentinoids: pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and considerations for clinical practice
- Basic Opioid Pharmacology — An Update
- COVID-19 - BPS Update
- Event Postponed - Annual Scientific Meeting 2020
- COUNCIL ELECTIONS - CALL FOR NOMINATIONS - Deadline 19th February 2020
- Is the psychological composition of the therapeutic group associated with individual outcomes in group cognitive behavioural therapy for chronic pain?
- Successful and unsuccessful recruitment and retainment strategies in a UK multicentre drug trial for a rare chronic pain condition
- Winning abstracts from the National Acute Pain Symposium 2019
- The role of a clinical nurse specialist in managing patients with trigeminal neuralgia
- BPS position statement on the use of medical cannabis and cannabis-based products in the management of chronic pain
- 'You wouldn’t do that to an animal, would you?’ Ethical issues in managing pain in patients with substance dependence
- SAVE THE DATE! - 2020 ASM 31 March-2 April 2020
- Time course of attentional bias to painful facial expressions and the moderating role of attentional control: an eye-tracking study
- Identification of the cerebral effects of paracetamol in healthy subjects: an fMRI study
- British Pain Society response to Government intention to place warnings on opioid medication packages
- The role of observer’s fear of pain and health anxiety in empathy for pain: an experimental study
- The role of observer’s fear of pain and health anxiety in empathy for pain: an experimental study
- Best practice in radiofrequency denervation of the lumbar facet joints: a consensus technique
- What influences chronic pain management? A best–worst scaling experiment with final year medical students and general practitioners
- ASM 2019 Bursary deadline fast approaching!
- BPS launches joint Outcome Measures document
- Investigating the role of beliefs about emotions, emotional suppression and distress within a pain management programme for fibromyalgia
- 2019 ASM Now Open for Registration!
- BPS Position Statement on the medicinal use of cannabinoids in pain management
- BPS Position Statement on Lidocaine Plasters
- Press Statement on suspension of mesh surgery in NHS Hospitals
- Retained catheter during placement of dorsal root ganglion stimulator: a case report
- The impact of mirror therapy on body schema perception in patients with complex regional pain syndrome after distal radius fractures
- Chronic pain and associated factors in Maputo, Mozambique: a pilot study
- EULAR Recommendations for the health professional's approach to pain management in inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis
- The impact of meridian balance method electro-acupuncture treatment on chronic pelvic pain in women: a three-armed randomised controlled feasibility s
- Differentiating overlapping symptoms of vulvodynia and pudendal neuralgia
- A pilot study investigating whether quantitative sensory testing alters after treatment in patients with fibromyalgia
- Exploring a compassion-focused intervention for persistent pain in a group setting
- Major lower limb amputation audit – introduction and implementation of a multimodal perioperative pain management guideline
- The impact of relocation of chronic pain service from hospital setting to community centre on patient experience: a single-centre audit
- New guidelines for recognising and assessing pain in older adults
- Call for nominations for President Elect & Ordinary Council Members are now open!
- BPS announces 2 pre-meetings ahead of its ASM - 30th April 2018
- EFIC publishes statement on the use of opioids for pain management
- British Pain Society Press release: Chronic pain costs the UK £billions but research funding is inadequate
- High-frequency spinal cord stimulation causing cardiac paresthesias after lead migration: a case report
- Using patient experiences to develop services for chronic pain
- Don't forget to check our 'ASM Latest News' page for up to date information on the event!
- ACCEA 2018 Awards
- Lidocaine 5%–medicated plaster (Versatis) for localised neuropathic pain: results of a multicentre evaluation of use in children and adolescents
- NICE guideline on chronic pain: assessment and management: Scope Published
- Onset of analgesia by a topically administered flurbiprofen lozenge: a randomised controlled trial using the double stopwatch method
- Health department launches 'landmark review' of prescription drug addiction in UK
- A philosophical critique of the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guideline ‘Palliative care for adults: strong opioids for pain
- British Pain Society/Faculty of Pain Medicine (RCA) Consensus Statement on the use of Corticosteroids for Neuraxial Procedures in the UK
- Not in the Script
- Phantom limb pain: a review of pharmacological management
- October's Parliamentary Reception - A Summary for Members
- Spinal cord stimulation - formal response sent
- Five years of a community pain service solution-focused pain management programme: extended data and reflections
- New Pain:Less ePoster
- Persistent Pain Consultation Document Submitted
- Opioid prescribing in general practice: use of a two-stage review tool to identify and assess high-dose prescribing
- The British Pain Society at 50
- Listening to and letting pain speak: poetic reflections
- Put the illness in a box’: a longitudinal interpretative phenomenological analysis of changes in a sufferer’s pictorial representations of pain follow
- Chronic post-amputation pain: peri-operative management – Review
- The use of fentanyl in pain management in head and neck cancer patients: a narrative review
- BPS Statement on World Arthritis Day
- Call for better pain management assessment by nurses
- Evaluation of uptake and effect on patient-reported outcomes of a clinician and patient co-led chronic musculoskeletal pain self-management programme
- The puzzle of chronic post-surgical pain: collaborative problem solving at its best?
- Ultrasound-guided radiofrequency ablation of genicular nerves of knee for relief of intractable pain from knee osteoarthritis: a case series
- British Pain Society soon to launch new e-poster in its PAIN:LESS campaign
- A week of pain in the emergency department
- Statement on recent evidence of increasing access to, and episodes of poisoning from prescription opioids
- Overdoses on opioid painkillers more than double in a decade
- Chronic pain, loss and the future – Development and evaluation of an innovative, interactive pain education tool
- Tramadol sparing effect of dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant with lignocaine in preoperative stellate ganglion block for postoperative pain relief follow
- The moderating factors of neuroticism and extraversion in pain anticipation
- New OnlineFirst articles available for British Journal of Pain
- BBC Radio 4 - From Agony to Analgesia - Seeing Pain
- BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast - Dr Martin Johnson
- New OnlineFirst articles available for British Journal of Pain
- NICE publish a Quality Standard on Low Back Pain (QS155)
- Publication of NICE Multimorbidity Quality Standard
- Call for plenary & parallel proposals for 2018 ASM - DEADLINE 3RD JULY 2017
- NCEPOD Call for Study Proposals 2017
- EPF-EFIC Diploma Examination
- Honorary Membership 2017 Recipients
- BMA publish a briefing on 'Chronic Pain: supporting safer prescribing of analgesics'
- 2017 ACCEA Awards now open
- History of BPS recorded in the latest issue of EFIC Newsletter!
- Train travel discounts for the ASM available for delegates
- Deadline for ASM Early Bird Registrations closes on Monday 20th February 2017!
- IASP Statement on US Travel Restrictions
- 2017 Clulow Award Opens
- Registration for 50th Anniversary ASM opens!
- BPS response to NICE Low Back Pain and Sciatica
- Access to medicinal cannabis: meeting patient needs
- 'Silent epidemic' of chronic pain affects nearly 28 million in UK, study suggests
- News in brief: up to 28 million Britons live with chronic pain
- BBC Radio Kent
- The silent epidemic - chronic pain in the UK
- European Civic Prize on Chronic Pain
- NICE latest Lower Back Pain guidance – 2016 draft out for consultation
- Macmillan Press Release "Thousands of cancer patients are spending their final hours in pain"
- Imposition of a new contract on Junior Doctors
- Opioids Aware resource launched
- Improving the lives of people with Chronic Pain - Parliamentary Meeting
- UK Pain Messages
- NICE Guideline Chair Recruitment: Improving Supportive and Palliative Care
- NICE - Dementia (Update) Recruitment for additional professional committee members
- NICE recruiting for a Chair and guideline committee members for Neurological Problems guideline
- ACCEA Excellence Awards 2015
- NHS England - Important information in relation to prescribing and dispensing pregabalin
- Trauma Programme of Care Pathfinder Project – Low Back Pain and Radicular Pain
- National Pain Audit Final Report – November 2011
- National Pain Summit Final Report - October 2013
- Global Year Against Neuropathic Pain – October 2014
- UK Pain Champion 2014 – November 2014
- Europe lacks pain teaching – December 2013
- SIGN Booklet – December 2013
- Standards of Good Practice for Medial Branch Block Injections and Radiofrequency Denervation for Low back Pain
- Patient Information Leaflets – June 2014