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Social Event

Social Event
Wednesday 11th September 2019; 18:00-21:00

All PMP conference delegates are invited to attend the PMP social event on Wednesday evening at Bristol Museum and Art Gallery (next door to the Wills Memorial Building, Queens Rd, BS8 1RL).

Please note there is no further cost for the social event and booking for this can be done when registering to attend the conference.

18:00 – 21:00 : Drinks & Canapes served

18:30 – 19:00  : “Rest Room” by Raquel Meseguer

Raquel has a background in dance, theatre and performance art, she also has long-term pain.  Raquel will give a performance lasting 30 minutes on the emotional and physical challenges of attempting to rest in public spaces.  Her presentation will share stories and accounts from many different people living with long-term pain and their struggle to pace themselves, away from the relative comfort and safety of their own homes.  Raquel’s performance will use a creative mixture of music, movement and voice to share these narratives as the audience are invited to step into the shoes of these shared experiences.

19:00 - 21:00 : Social Continues