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Annual Scientific Meeting

The British Pain Society hosts an Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) which is held at different locations throughout the UK. The aim of the ASM is to encourage healthcare professionals, from all disciplines involved in the understanding and management of pain, to exchange ideas and increase understanding in all aspects of pain and pain management.

There are a number of partnership opportunities at the ASM, including booking stands at the technical exhibition, running workshop sessions, placing an advert in the final programme, or having an insert in the participant welcome packs.

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Pain News advertising

You can reach over 800 pain specialists by placing a  advert or insert in the Society’s quarterly Newsletter Pain News which is distributed exclusively to members of the Society. Full details can be found below.

To book an advertisement in Pain News please contact:

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Advertising in British Journal of Pain

The British Journal of Pain is the official journal of the British Pain Society. It provides scientists and clinicians in pain medicine with peer-reviewed review articles and expert opinions on all aspects of pain management from basic science to its clinical application including pain physiology, pharmacology and interventions. 

To book an advertisement in British Journal of Pain please contact:

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Educational or Research Grants

The Society wishes to continue the positive relationships that it has had with industry over the years, and is aware that we are all working to benefit patients by improved education of primary and secondary care doctors, health care professionals and patients.

The Society has decided that donations from the pharmaceutical and medical devices industries can be directed into two one of two funds, either the research fund or the education fund. Donations can only be accepted in a fully unrestricted manner as an educational grant or an research grant. Acknowledgement of any grants made would be in our Annual Report at the end of the financial year.

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Advertising on website

Events & Meetings

The Society is pleased to advertise forthcoming events and meetings that are relevant to the aims and objectives of the Society. To advertise please contact us by email at info@britishpainsociety with the details listed below. All applications must be approved by the Honorary Secretary.

The following details will be listed free of charge:

  • Name of meeting/conference
  • Date of meeting/conference
  • Location of meeting/conference
  • Maximum 50-word Introduction
  • Contact details for further information

Grants and awards

The Society can advertise grants and awards that may be of interest to its members. To submit details of a grant or award, please contact us by email at with the details listed below. 

The following datails will be listed free of charge:

  • Name of grant or award
  • Closing date/deadline of submissions
  • Maximum 50-word introduction
  • Contact details for further information

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Codes of conduct

The British Pain Society values its relationship with partners in commercial organisations. This relationship is necessary to support the Society’s educational activities. Commercial organisations also benefit from their association with the British Pain Society in a number of ways and they are keen to demonstrate their links with the BPS to healthcare professionals, policy makers and members of the public. The BPS has worked successfully with commercial organisations on a number of projects and these have been discussed in detail with Council who have agreed what the Society’s role should be. Such discussions ensure that the BPS is not seen to endorse particular pharmaceutical or other products. Individual Officers and Council members may be approached by commercial organisations to become involved in educational activities. There is no doubt that the link between these individuals and the Society is susceptible to exploitation by organisations seeking Society endorsement. We have issued the following guidance to Officers of the Society and Council members.

Officers, elected council members and coopted members of the Council of the British Pain Society must not purport to represent the views of the British Pain Society when:

  • Speaking at pharmaceutically sponsored meetings on a topic that relates to specific products or devices.
  • Making editorial comment and influencing content in pharmaceutically sponsored journals
  • Making comments in the national press regarding products and commercial services
  • Endorsing pharmaceutical publications

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