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Opioids prescribed in the UK

Opioid Medicine  Brand name
Buprenorphine sublingual Temgesic, Natzon, Buprenorphin, Subutex, Prefibin 
Buprenorphine patch BuTrans, Bupramyl, Butec, Panitaz, Rebrikel, Reletrans, Sevodyne, Bunov, Hapoctasin, Bupeaze, Carlosafine, Relevtec, Transtec
Codeine  Codeine
Codeine Codeine oral solution
Diamorphine  Diamorphine 
Dihydrocodeine  Dihydrocodeine, Co-dydramol, Remedeine
Fentanyl tablet Abstral, Effentora, Actiq, Cynril
Fentanyl patch Durogesic, Fencino, Matrifen, Mezolar, Opioidur, Victanyl, Yemex
Fentanyl spray Instanyl, PecFent
Hydromorphone  Palladone
Morphine Morphine, Oramorph, MXL, Zomorph, MST Continus, Morphgesic, Sevredol

Oxycodone capsules/tablets (fast acting) 

Oxyact, Ixyldone, Longtec, Shortec, Oxeltra, OxyContin, Oxylan, Oxypro, Reltebon, Renocontin, Leveraxo, Lynlor, OxyNorm
Oxycodone oral solution (fast acting) OxyNorm, Oxycodone, Shortec

Oxycodone tablets (slow acting)

OxyContin, Oxycodone, Longtec, Targinact 
Tapentadol Palexia, Ationdo
Tramadol capsules/tablets Tramadol, Zydol, Zamadol, Brimisol, Invodol, Marol, Maxitram, Tilodol, Tradorec, Tramacet, Tramquel, Tramulief