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Council Elections

The Elections to Council are held each year; the procedure for the nomination and election of Ordinary Council Members are laid down by the Memorandum & Articles of Association and the Regulations.

Below you will find an outline of details relating to the eligibility, role and election procedure for the post of President Elect, Vice President, Honorary Secretary Elect, Honorary Treasurer Elect and Council Member and the appointment of Co-opted Members of Council.

Current Elections

2024 Council Elections

The following posts will become vacant at the Annual General Meeting of the British Pain Society on 5th June 2024:

Honorary Treasurer Elect and Honorary Secretary Elect

Nominations for Honorary Treasurer Elect  and Honorary Secretary Elect will be considered from Ordinary or Honorary Members of the British Pain Society from the following groups:

·         past or present members of the Council of the British Pain Society
·         past or present member of the Council of EFIC
·         past or present member of the Council of IASP

Council Member (2 vacancies)

The term of office for a Council member is four years

Ordinary and Honorary members of the British Pain Society are eligible to stand, nominate and vote in elections.
Retired, International, Contributing and Associate Members are not eligible to stand or vote.

The Society benefits from the diversity of interests of its members and it is important that the Council of the Society represents this breadth of expertise in order that the activities of the organisation continue to reflect the many facets of pain management and research.

Currently, multidisciplinary representation is ensured by the process of co-opting membership which does not entitle the candidate to full voting rights on Council. The Society is keen to encourage applications from all members of the multidisciplinary team to enable full multidisciplinary representation on Council, so this call is for all of our members to consider becoming part of a truly multidisciplinary Society.

Candidates working in the NHS are strongly advised to discuss their application with their Director and/or Trust Chief Executive to secure their approval in principle for the professional leave required to attend Council and other meetings and engage in the work of the Society.

Please refer to the list of current Council members and job descriptions here

Nominations Process 

Nominations for President Elect and Council Member must be completed online and include a resume of no more than 200 words, which must include your date of birth. If you wish to apply for both President Elect and Council Member positions, you will need to submit two online applications. Please note that the nominee, proposer and seconder must be current members and that their 2023/24 membership fees have been paid in order to be eligible to stand/support. You must have sought prior agreement with your proposer and seconder in advance of submitting their names.

Nominations for each role must be received no later than Monday 5th of February 2024.

Results will be announced at the Society’s Annual General Meeting on 5th June 2024 in Nottigham.

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Election to President Elect/President


The President Elect must be a past or present member of the Councils of the Society, EFIC or IASP or a past member of the Council of the Unincorporated Pain Society who must also be an Ordinary or Honorary Member of the British Pain Society.

However, if no person who falls within the eligibility categories above is willing to be considered for election, Council may consider a candidate or candidates from the Ordinary and Honorary Members

Decription of Role

  • Responsibility for strategic view and implementation of British Pain Society’s role
  • Liaison with Council, IASP and EFIC and other IASP chapters
  • Liaison with British Pain Society’s committees, Governmental organisations, Royal Colleges, Associations, Universities, patient-led charities, Primary Health Care, pharmaceutical companies for benefit of the British Pain Society and for patients with pain
  • Ratification of responses to Governmental, Royal College and other documents
  • Liaison for media (with others)
  • Prepare the Agenda for, and chair Council meetings and the AGM

Members wishing to stand for election are advised to read the publication “Responsibilities of Trustees CC3” produced by the Charities Commission and the Directors and Secretaries Guide - GBA1 produced by Companies House.

Election Procedure

Each Ordinary and Honorary member of the Society is entitled to vote. Election shall take place by secret online ballot. The candidate who receives the highest number of votes shall be deemed elected.

Term of Office

Term of office: 1 (one) year as President-Elect, followed by three (3) years as President


The results of the election of President Elect shall be declared at the Annual General Meeting.

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Election to Vice President


The Vice President must be a past or present member of the Councils of the Society, EFIC or IASP who must also be an Ordinary or Honorary Member.

However, if no person who falls within the eligibility categories above is willing to be considered for election, Council may
consider a candidate or candidates from the Ordinary and Honorary Members.

Description of Role

  • Act on duties and responsibilities as delegated by the President.
  • Act as deputy to the President in his/her absence and meetings or functions delegated by the President.
  • In the absence of the President, prepare the Agenda for, and chair Council meetings and the AGM
  • In the absence of the President act as line Manager for the Secretariat Manager and responsible for overseeing personnel issues within the Secretariat.
  • Liaise with the President to help develop the strategic view and implementation of the British Pain Society’s role, and assist in organising and running the occasional BPS Council Strategy Days
  • Liaise with the Department of Health and other national bodies on behalf of the Society.
  • Liaise with Council, IASP and EFIC and other IASP chapters on behalf of the Society
  • Liaise with British Pain Society’s committees, Governmental organisations, Royal Colleges, Associations, Universities, patient-led charities, Primary Health Care, pharmaceutical companies on behalf of the Society for the benefit patients with pain
  • Act as liaison for media (with others) representing the views of the British Pain Society.
  • Be jointly responsible with the other Executive Officers for the decision making involved in the day-to-day management of the Society
  • Take part in Secretariat appraisals, interviews and other personnel proceedings, that may arise from time to time
  • Share responsibility for the budget of the Society on the advice of the Treasurer
  • Approve the annual report and accounts of the Society as produced by the treasurer
  • Comply with the legal responsibility to ensure that statutory documents are delivered to the Registrar of Companies House as and when required by the Companies Act
  • Comply with responsibilities of an employer under Health and Safety legislation

Members wishing to stand for election are advised to read the publication “Responsibilities of Trustees CC3” produced by the Charities Commission and the Directors and Secretaries Guide - GBA1 produced by Companies House.

Term of Office

The Vice President shall hold office for the period during which there is no President Elect in office (usually two years) as prescribed in the Regulations, at the end of which he shall retire and not be eligible for re-election to that office.

Election Procedure

The Vice President shall be appointed by the Council.
Any Member of the Society that matches the eligibility criteria for nomination of Vice President can nominate him or herself for consideration by the Council.


The results of the election of Honorary Secretary Elect shall be declared at the Annual General Meeting.

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Election to Honorary Secretary Elect/ Honorary Secretary


The Honorary Secretary Elect must be a past or present member of the Councils of the Society, EFIC or IASP or a past member of the Council of the Unincorporated Pain Society who must also be an Ordinary or Honorary Member of the British Pain Society.

However, if no person who falls within the eligibility categories above is willing to be considered for election, Council may consider a candidate or candidates from the Ordinary and Honorary Members.

Any Member of the Society that matches the criteria for nomination of Honorary Secretary Elect can nominate him or herself for consideration by the Council.

Decription of Role

The role of the Honorary Secretary Elect is to shadow the Honorary Secretary and to assist him/her to carry out his/her role successfully and deputise when necessary.

  • The Honorary Secretary is expected to
  • Carry out duties of an elected council member (see ‘Election to Ordinary Council member’ below)
  • Liaise with President and Secretariat
  • Be responsible with Secretariat for production of Council minutes and AGM for presentation to President for final ratification
  • Be responsible for employment, appraisals, disciplinary meetings and overall organisation of Secretariat with other Officers.
  • Chair the Communications Committee
  • Produce an Honorary Secretary’s Report for the Society’s quarterly Newsletter
  • Deputise for President if required
  • Provisionally approve new membership applications prior to formal application at each Council meeting
  • Manage incoming correspondence, requests, queries from general public and health care professionals
  • Supervise the Election process
  • Carry out the role of Company Secretary as laid down by the Institute of Chartered Secretaries in charitable organisations (these duties are carried out with the assistance of the Secretariat):
    • Advising the chairman on the agenda for board meetings
    • Ensuring that the company and the board comply with the Companies Acts, the Memorandum and Articles of Association, and various other rules and regulations if relevant
    • The convening of board and company meetings
    • Maintaining the statutory registers i.e. Register of Members, Register of Directors and Register of Directors’ Interests
    • Ensure that statutory forms are filled promptly
    • Providing members and auditors with notice of meetings
    • Maintaining the registered office and filing returns with the Registrar of Companies
    • Supplying a copy of the accounts to every member of the company and every person who is entitled to receive notices of general meetings also copies demanded by anyone under section 239 of the Companies Act
    • Keeping or arranging for the keeping of minutes of directors meetings and general meetings
    • Ensuring that people entitled to do so can inspect company records
    • Custody and use of the company seal (if appropriate)
    • Administering any alterations to the Memorandum or Articles of Association

Members wishing to stand for election are advised to read the publication “Responsibilities of Trustees CC3” produced by the Charities Commission and the Directors and Secretaries Guide - GBA1 produced by Companies House

Election Procedure

The Honorary Secretary Elect shall be appointed by the Council.

Term of Office

The Honorary Secretary Elect will hold office for one (1) year. After one year, and subject to approval by Council, the Honorary Secretary Elect will assume the office of Honorary Secretary.


The results of the election of Honorary Secretary Elect shall be declared at the Annual General Meeting. 

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Election to Honorary Treasurer Elect/ Honorary Treasurer


The Honorary Treasurer Elect must be a past or present member of the Councils of the Society, EFIC or IASP or a past member of the Council of the Unincorporated Pain Society who must also be an Ordinary or Honorary Member of the British Pain Society.

However, if no person who falls within the eligibility categories in Regulation 11.3.1 is willing to be considered for election, Council may consider a candidate or candidates from the Ordinary and Honorary Members.

Any Member of the Society that matches the criteria for nomination of Honorary Treasurer Elect in Regulation 11.3.1 can nominate him or herself for consideration by the Council.

Decription of Role

The role of the Honorary Treasurer Elect is to shadow the Honorary Treasurer and to assist him/her to carry out his/her role successfully and deputise when necessary.

The Honorary Treasurer is expected to

  • Fulfil the duties of an elected council member (see ‘Election to Ordinary Council member’ below)
  • Liaise with President and Secretariat
  • Liaise with bookkeepers, accountants and auditors
  • Develop strategies with regards to prudent investment in consultation with the bookkeepers
  • Develop budgeting and management of funds to allow for bursaries, grants etc. in consultation with the bookkeepers
  • Develop the budgets for the Society and for the ASM, in conjunction with the bookkeepers and the Secretariat
  • Prepare and present the annual accounts, in conjunction with the bookkeepers and auditors
  • Prepare the Annual Report, with the other Officers and the Secretariat
  • Present the Treasurer's report at the AGM
  • Work with the bookkeepers to ensure the Society is working within the guidelines issued by the Charities Commissioners.
  • To oversee the Society Special Interest Groups financial affairs, to assess their budgets, and to ensure that their accounts are obtained to be included in the Society's annual accounts
  • To produce an Honorary Treasurer’s Report for the Society’s quarterly Newsletter
  • To be the Board member responsible for Health and Safety
  • Deputise for President if required

Members wishing to stand for election are advised to read the publication “Responsibilities of Trustees CC3” produced by the Charities Commission and the Directors and Secretaries Guide - GBA1 produced by Companies House

Election Procedure

The Honorary Treasurer Elect shall be appointed by the Council.

Term of Office

The Honorary Treasurer Elect will hold office for one (1) year. After one year, and subject to approval by Council, the Honorary Treasurer Elect will assume the office of Honorary Treasurer.


The results of the election of the Honorary Treasurer Elect shall be declared at the Annual General Meeting. 

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Election to Ordinary Council member


A person will only be eligible to be elected an Ordinary Council Member if he is an Ordinary or Honorary Member of the Society.

Decription of Role

Council members of the British Pain Society are expected to:

  • Act as director of the Limited Company and Trustee of the Charity with appropriate legal responsibilities.
  • Attend meetings of Council virtually or at the Pain Society office in London; normally four times a year.
  • Attend the Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting (4 day event held in the UK or virtually).
  • Be responsible for the decision making involved in the day-to-day management of the Society.
  • Comment on documents being produced by National bodies, e.g. DoH, HTS, Royal Colleges, and NICE.
  • Answer questions raised by members of the public, members of parliament, the press and television, and to attend various meetings.
  • Discuss and approve British Pain Society publications.
  • Have regular access to e-mail and contribute to the debate, discussion and comment pertaining to the day-to-day business of the Council and the Society, as well as helping to formulate the strategic development of the Society in accordance with the Articles and Memorandum of Association.
  • Serve on at least one of the sub-committees of Council and one of the Society Special Interest Groups.
  • Take part in Secretariat appraisals, interviews and other personnel proceedings, that may arise from time to time.
  • Sign a declaration form to state that you are not disqualified from being a Trustee or Director.
  • Provide proof of identity and residence to comply with current money-laundering legislation.
  • Declare any conflict of interests and any other significant appointments.
  • Share responsibility for the budget of the Society.
  • Approve the annual report and accounts of the Society.
  • Comply with the legal responsibility to ensure that statutory documents are delivered to the Registrar of Companies House. as and when required by the Companies Act.
  • Comply with responsibilities of an employer under Health and Safety legislation.

Any member interested in standing for election are advised to read the publication “Responsibilities of Trustees CC3” produced by the Charities Commission and the Directors and Secretaries Guide - GBA1 produced by Companies House

Election Procedure

Each Ordinary and Honorary Member of the Society is entitled to vote. Election shall take place by online ballot. The number of candidates equal to the number of posts to be filled, who receive the highest number of votes, shall be deemed elected.

Term of Office

An Ordinary Council Member shall hold office for four years from his election as at an Annual General Meeting, at the end of which he shall retire but be eligible for re-election as an Ordinary Council Member for a second term of three/four years.

On completion of a second term of office, the Ordinary Council Member will not be eligible for re-election as an Ordinary Council Member.


The results of the election of Ordinary Council Members shall be declared at the Annual General Meeting immediately following their election. 

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Appointment of Co-opted members of Council

The Council shall have the power at any time to co-opt to the Council any person. Any person so co-opted shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting but (subject to the approval of Council) may then be co-opted at any time thereafter. A co-opted member of Council need not be a Member of the Society. Co-opted members of Council shall not be entitled to vote on matters brought before the Council.

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