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The benefits of membership

Membership of the British Pain Society provides access to world-leading expertise, resources and information to support your professional development, and the opportunity to connect with a vibrant multidisciplinary community of professionals researching and treating pain.


British Journal of Pain
Receive a free copy of the Society's peer-reviewed quarterly publication British Journal of Pain.

Pain News
Enjoy the Society’s popular quarterly Newsletter Pain News.

Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM)
Access discounts on ASM registration fees and further reductions for booking early.

Special Interest Groups
Our SIGs provide members with specialist forums to share insight and expertise.

Study Days/Education Days/ Webinars
Access significant discounts on registration for the Society’s regular Study Days, Education Days and BPS webinars.

Grants & Awards
Apply for the Society’s grants and awards. These include the Clulow Research Grant, Patrick Wall Overseas Travel Bursary, ASM bursary, Study Day bursary and the IASP World Congress Travel bursary.

EFIC Benefits
The British Pain Society is the National Chapter of the European Pain Federation. Receive complimentary electronic copies of the European Journal of Pain.
Members of the British Pain Society may also put forward applications to attend
EFIC Pain Schools.

BPS elections
Ability to nominate yourself and others for election to the BPS Council, providing an opportunity to shape the future of the organisation

BPS Newsletter
Access to the Society’s newsletter and news.


Ready to become a member?

You can apply to become a member here.